
Friday, January 19, 2024

Book(s) Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan

 So this has been optioned (for at least a second time actually - Book 6 or 7 has an author's note at the end that the series was optioned...and that book came out in about 2008) to be adapted into a movie, and I remember reading them in high school in about 2010. 

But rereading them, I realized I don't remember any of it. Honestly, not a whit. It's not even "oh I remember bits and pieces", I think the one thing I remembered is that, well, there was a ranger and he had an apprentice. 

I wonder how many of these I ended up reading eventually. Maybe up to Battle for Skandia? Well, now I read the first 10 (because there's both a sister series AND a sequel series AND mini stories and the continuity is a bit of a mess).

21 The Boy and The Heron

    Watched in 2023 and completely forgot to come here and review it.There's not a whole lot to review because it's surrealist and everyone will take something different from it. I do think some parts felt aimless and boring (mainly the parts with the spirits), but that's about 10 minutes if that. As a whole I do enjoy it.

5 Kung Fu Panda 4

 I'm such a big fan of the first one, but ... They made this out of a studio mandate and completely stripped the character from it. The ...