
Monday, March 20, 2023

2: Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

 I saw the Amazon Prime preview on March 19th -- For what used to be a "customer-centric company", they didn't do anything special besides advertise themselves. Hope they used the money they didn't spend to pay warehouse workers fairly.

Anyway, the movie is very approchable if you aren't familiar with the material. There's a few minutes in the middle where it can get a bit bogged down with fantasy names, but it moves on quickly, treating you to another stunning action sequence.

CGI can be a little patchy for the fantasy creatures, but the practical effects are amazing and truly well done.

The story is simple, and the DnD-ness serves as a setting, not the entire basis of the plot, which I will not spoil, as this movie does not come out for another 2 weeks.

If you have 2 hours to kill in the upcoming month (or if Mario is sold out), check it out.


  Let's start with "Universal paid 350$m for all the promotion and collaborations they did for this movie, helped in part by the fa...