
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

#2: Raya and The Last Dragon

The movie simply doesn't go all the way in it's main aspect.

  • What has the Druun's impact been on this world besides just turning people into stone? You can see bits of it, but it's not enough explanation during, essentially, an apocalypse.
  •  3 out of 5 countries were just about destroyed. We no longer see any civilization in Heart, Tail, and it's dying in Spine. Think about it; It's probably because Fang and Talon are surrounded by bodies of water. There could have been a fabulous moral of needing others to survive to tie into the trust moral (Note how  there are talks about Fang needing to expand to survive, and needing the gems and Sisu to do so safely) but it's not here.



  Let's start with "Universal paid 350$m for all the promotion and collaborations they did for this movie, helped in part by the fa...